The Team You Trust, the Team You Need

Get the business planning, tips, and training to sell more real estate in less time on the Mainline from Real Estate Expert, Greg Basile

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The Easy Way to List More Homes

Make more money with less risk at Keller Williams Realty

Many brokerages promise real estate agents more money, but did you know that most agents want more time? The truth is that having free time to live your life is extremely valuable but all too hard to come by. However, it doesn’t have to be difficult if you work with us. 

The #1 reason agents leave the business is that it’s hard without the right support to sell a consistent 2-3 homes a month to earn $100,000+ a year working a regular 30–40-hour week.

We’ve set up our entire Market Center for your success to achieve this vision.

  1. Marketing support to your contacts to generate buyers and sellers
  2. Training and coaching to generate and convert leads 
  3. High-quality transaction management 
  4. The ability to focus on money-making activities
  5. And so much more!

We want to help you live the best life you can, one where you can make your own schedule, grow within a community, and make as much money as you’re willing to work for. Don’t just take our word for it; reach out to any of our current agents and ask them what their experience has been like. If you are motivated and think you have what it takes to be a top agent in our area, don’t hesitate to reach out via the contact information below. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Give Yourself a Raise Today

You’ll implement proven models to take more listings and sell them quickly.
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Get more listing opportunities
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Get buyer contracts accepted
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Differentiate yourself to a seller
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Multiply your income with investments

What Agents Are Saying...

“We joined Keller Williams because of its innovative approach, strong leadership, commitment to employee growth and the positive work cultures.”

- Mike and Sue

“Hello, everybody. It’s Saiid Zamani with Keller Williams Realty. Devon Wayne here. One of the main things that draw me to KW was the KW culture, the people in this office at Devon Wayne, and the training, the masterminding among agents, talking about real estate, how we can serve our clients, both sellers and buyers, and in these competitive markets, how do we better help other people with their question about selling and taking on more market share and their leadership, the top agents getting involved and always looking at the best for you.

- Saiid Zamani

“I came to Keller Williams because I wanted to be around other amazing entrepreneurial real estate agents with an incredible leadership team and I’m very thankful that I did. We have an incredible culture in our office, there’s incredible training, technology is amazing, just a great place to be and I couldn’t be happier.”

- Mike Eagle

“ I was asked why I chose Keller Williams seven Wayne. Dave Baddy and Greg Basile, the energy from these two men, it was so warm, it was so friendly, and I felt that they genuinely cared about the success of my business. The education that Keller Williams offers just made me feel like I could take my business to the next level.

- Tifphani Johnson

“Hi, around the office they call me an original. That means I’ve been here since the very first days the office opened. And why did I come to Keller Williams from another brokerage? Because Keller Williams has the best training materials. I am an educator/mentor/trainer and that was really important to me. But along the way I also realized that this is a very friendly happy place to be and to grow your business. So that’s why I’m here.”

- Pat Moyer