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By Greg Basile

Gregory Basile serves as the Team Lead (CGO) Chief Growth Officer of Keller Williams Realty, Inc.. Gregory started at Keller Williams Realty, Inc. in January of 2019. Gregory currently resides in the Radnor, PA.

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In the ever-evolving landscape of real estate, staying ahead of the curve and empowering yourself with the right information is essential. If you’re looking to maximize your potential, whether you’re considering a change in brokerage or sticking with your current one, there are several crucial aspects to consider. Let’s explore these factors and how they can shape your success in the real estate industry.

1. Community and support. Do you still feel that strong sense of community within your brokerage? In today’s world, having a support network that keeps you connected is more important than ever. Regular meetings, updates on industry issues, and even a simple “hello” when you’re out sick can make a world of difference. A supportive community can significantly impact your career.

2. Agent-centric brokerages. One significant trend in modern brokerages is their commitment to being agent-centric. What does this mean for you? It means that decisions, especially those that affect you, are made with your input and approval in mind. You’re no longer just an employee; you’re a valued partner in the business.

3. Coaching and mentorship. Effective training, coaching, and mentorship are invaluable in real estate. In the past, these resources were often provided without additional costs. Ensure your brokerage offers these opportunities to help you grow and succeed in your career.

“As we approach 2024, it's essential to reflect on these aspects of your real estate career.”

4. Financial considerations. Let’s talk about the money. Brokerages today offer competitive packages that usually include technology, E&O insurance, and more. Many provide these services for around $100 per month, making thriving in the real estate industry more affordable than ever. Moreover, if you’re doing around $4 million in real estate, you should be entitled to a 100% commission. This is the new standard in the industry, so make sure your brokerage is keeping up with this trend.

5. Creating wealth with your brokerage. Your brokerage isn’t just an employer; it’s your partner in building wealth. This partnership goes beyond the commission you earn on each sale. Consider whether your brokerage shares in the profits of other services like title, insurance, and mortgage. These additional revenue streams can significantly impact your wealth creation.

6. Splits and commissions. Pay close attention to your commission structure. Are you receiving a fair split? Are there any hidden fees or multiple splits? Understanding these aspects can have a significant impact on your income and financial stability.

By reflecting on these elements, you can ensure you’re on the right path to success in this ever-changing industry. Your career in real estate should be about empowerment, growth, and financial success, and it’s up to you to make it happen. Don’t hesitate to seek guidance and answers to your questions – knowledge is power. If you have any questions, reach out to me by phone or email.